Friday, August 08, 2014

New Year! Have I blogged yet?

So as a newbie blogger, starting on January 1 was so much easier than starting at the beginning of the school year. It's HARD to blog during the buzz of a new year! I'm part exhausted, part electrified, part unmotivated, part anxious to start. It's such a crazy mix. Later in the year, I find myself more driven, more creative, and more social. During pre-planning days, I hide in my modular and put my room together as if I, too, open my room to parents and students at Open House. But I don't. I teach ESOL. Our Open House was last night. It's the last weekend before all students return. I saw last year's students of mine, thrilled to see them again, even if some lost their baby faces over summer, but I don't yet have a student roster. We won't have students for weeks, but for me to be ready for them, I have to have a clean, organized room. Only then, does my weary mind fall in line, so I hunker down. I commend my fellow bloggers, these curious, over-energized and hyper-creative and hyper-productive beings. This is my year #1. I will continue to blog and create this year. I am determined to attend the TPT Conference in 2015, come hell or high water! I can't wait to get my room ready, begin to implement Daily 5 with my wonderful ESOL students, and share my experience again this year. Blogging has really pushed me, and I hope to find myself with more readers. My students and I enjoy how much this process pushes me. Students come Monday. They always energize me! I'll be back to discuss it next week. Have a great weekend! I hope your students are your bucket fillers, and may your bucket floweth over.

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