Monday, April 07, 2014

Spring Break... Woohoo!

I'm awful at breaks! I chalk this up to being a (still) new teacher. One day, I'll get this right. For me, Spring Break is for 1. catching up on sleep; 2. catching up on housework; 3. squeezing in every possible doctor's appointment ; 4. catching up on work; 5. and maybe some fun planning out the summer vacation. It's not that I'm not going anywhere. I'm hoping that by the end of the week, my mom and I can take off on a roadtrip to Charleston. Mom and I are road warriors, whereas, my husband would prefer a plane to fly him to his destination. Too bad he doesn't get a Spring Break.  I guess it's just us gals. So, wherever you are in your year, I hope you're basking in the countdown to summer. As the end of my two years have approached, I get all jazzed about how I plan to do things next year. Being away from the students will be bittersweet. As I've said before, most, if not all of them, are pretty good bucket fillers. 

With that, I will be back with a few things as I remember and file them, but I do plan on taking it easy for the rest of the week. My body is telling me I have to.

I am honestly stoked about getting to Charleston. I look forward to getting my Vitamin D, being outside, capturing new sights with my camera, eating great food, and enjoying time with my mom.

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