Sunday, February 02, 2014

Who Needs Some Motivation??

I do!!!

I have given myself a pep talk all day today. I will still be pep talking as I lay my head down and close my eyes. Last week was rough! Snow-in day was more mentally exhausting than physically exhausting. I think I, among many other teachers, worried about students as well as our loved ones, our colleagues, and all of our fellow Atlantans. Our metro area was a MESS as was my busted pipe. Today, in 60-something degree weather (ummm.... yeah), I really decided that last week is over. Time to move on. So here's to my efforts and energy to get past last week. Here's to yours, all you teachers, that will be waking up the same time as me tomorrow morning. We can do this!! Monday is yours. Take it and the rest of the week by the horns, and may the faces that greet you tomorrow fill your buckets.

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